• Bumblebee Conservation Trust Fun & Learning

    Great ideas and resources to help children and families connect with bumblebees and their natural habitat.

  • British Science Association: what do bees do?

    Activity for a class to role-play the process of insect pollination.

  • droso4schools

    Online resources for school lessons using the fruit fly Drosophila.

  • Friends of the Earth ‘The Bee Cause’

    Activities to help children find out about bees and their importance…

  • RHS School Gardening Resources

    A range of resources from the RHS…

  • Buglife Resources for children

    Fun bug activities and teaching resources.

  • Bees in the curriculum

    Children are fascinated by Honey Bees. The British Beekeepers Association seeks to build on that fascination and encourage young people to learn more about the world of the Honey Bee.

  • Linnean Society Learning Resources

    Learning resources from the Linnean Society.

  • Forestry Commission

    Some great resources to discover more about the forest.