• IBRA Understanding bees education pack

    Information about bees and bee related activities for the classroom.

  • Wildlife Watch Activity Sheets

    Illustrated nature activity sheets from the Wildlife Trusts.

  • LEAF What’s happening to our bees?

    Handling controversial issues - What’s happening to our bees?…

  • BBSRC teaching resources

    Teaching resources from the BBSRC…

  • American Museum of Natural History Zoology activites

    Activities from the American Museum of Natural History.

  • Yorkshire Museums Trust Minibeast online resource

    This resource, suitable for Key Stages 1 to 3, aims to develop knowledge and understanding of invertebrates.

  • Big Wasp Survey Fun With Wasps

    Colour in the faces of 3 common UK wasp species.

  • Butterfly Conservation Munching Caterpillars

    Resources from Butterfly Conservation for people to improve their gardens or local green spaces for butterflies and moths.

  • Bumblebee Conservation Trust Fun & Learning

    Great ideas and resources to help children and families connect with bumblebees and their natural habitat.

  • Explorify from Wellcome

    Free online activities for primary teachers from the Wellcome Trust.