Royal Entomological Society 2024 Insect Photography Competition terms and conditions

1 About the competition

1.1 To promote learning and engagement in the science, natural history and conservation of insects, The Royal Entomological Society (the “RES”) has organised the insect photography competition as part of its programme of activities (the “Competition”).

1.2 The Competition is owned and run by the RES.

1.3 Entries are invited from amateur photographers of all ages and nationalities and the Competition is free to enter.

1.4 The Competition will open to entries on 19 June 2024 at 09:00 (UK time) at the start of Insect Week. The closing date for the Competition is 31 October 2024 – entries received after 23:59 (UK time) on that date will not be eligible.

2 Competition Details


2.1 The Competition is open to anyone except:

(i) professional photographers (those who make money from wildlife photographs beyond potential social media royalties and prize funds); and

(ii) individuals (or their immediate families) directly involved in the Competition’s organisation.

(iii) RES staff members

Those who work as RES volunteers or work for Insect Week partners are not excluded if they are not directly involved in the Competition’s organisation.

2.2 The Competition has two categories and entrants should use choose the appropriate option on the online submission form:

(i) 18 and over (with themes “Insect behaviour”, “Insect portraits”, “Insects in their environment”

(ii) Under 18s

(iii) Smartphone (open to both Over 18s and Under 18s)

2.3 Any entrant found to have entered the Competition using the wrong submission form will be disqualified.

2.4 Entrants using the Under 18 Category must be aged 17 years or younger as at the date of closing of the Competition and must accurately report their age at the time of submission. They must receive the permission of a parent or guardian before entering the Competition.

2.5 The age of the Under 18 Category entrant will be checked before any prize is awarded. Prizes for entrants under the age of 18 will be sent to the parent or guardian.

2.6 The entrant must be the original photographer and solely hold the copyright.

2.7 Submitted images must not be licenced or have disposed of any rights that will conflict with the Competition. Images that have been made available on stock libraries and that may have gained publicity from this may be disqualified at the judges’ discretion.

2.8 Images that have won or been commended or received notable publicity in any major competition before the submission deadline or judging will be disqualified at the judges’ discretion.

2.9 Any submitted image must not be entered into any other competition after being entered into the Competition until the results have been announced.

Submission requirements

2.10 Entrants may submit up to three entries. If the RES deems the entrant has exceeded the image entry limit, through multiple accounts or by any other means, the RES may disqualify the entrant from the Competition.

2.11 Photographs must be submitted as jpg, jpeg or png files, using the Insect Week website (

2.12 Image entry file sizes must not exceed 10MB. The RES recommends that entrants choose to submit a file that is the largest possible within that limit.

2.13 All the required fields (marked with *) on the online submission form must be completed. Winners and runners-up may be asked to amend a caption if it appears to contain an error.

2.14 The RES reserves the right not to award a prize if, in the judges’ opinion, the entries do not reach the sufficient standard, or where the contact details provided on the entry form are incorrect or no longer valid.

Photography requirements

2.15 Photographs entered for the Competition should feature an insect (or group of insects) occurring naturally in the situation in which it is photographed. The subject can be of any life-stage, from egg through nymph, larva or pupa to adult, and can be an insect from anywhere in the world.

2.16 Photographs of other invertebrates (e.g. spiders, woodlice, snails) are not eligible (unless they are present in a composition that primarily features insects).

2.17 Submissions will be rejected if in the reasonable opinion of the judges it appears that the welfare of the insect(s) or their habitats have been compromised by the entrant, or the image has been otherwise taken in an irresponsible manner.

2.18 Images must not include watermarks, borders, or signatures.

2.19 Black and white images are eligible for submission.

2.20 Digital adjustments that maintain the integrity of the image are allowed. It is not permitted to make any major physical change to the image. Entrants may not, for example, add or remove plants, objects, animals, people, landscapes or any parts of animals, plants, people or landscape to their image.

2.21 Photographs will be judged on composition, clarity, and demonstration of insect diversity and behaviour.

3 Judging

3.1 A panel of judges will be appointed by the RES to judge a shortlist of entries from each category , which will consist of fellows of the RES and expert judges appointed by the RES

3.2 In each age category, there will be a 1st and a 2nd prize winner. Runners-up in each category will receive a commendation if deemed suitable (Specially Commended, Highly Commended or Commended) from the RES.

3.3 The confirmed awards will be announced publicly by the RES on the Insect Week website prior to Insect Week 2025 and published in other media as appropriate.

3.4 Prize winning and runner-up photographs will be published in an online gallery on the Insect Week website, and in Antenna, the RES bulletin later in 2025.

3.5 Prizes will be awarded as follows:

(i) £750 for the 1st prize winner in the 18 and over Category plus OM-5 Camera and a 1 hour zoom call with one of OM Systems Technical Experts to give some hints on how to get the best out of the camera;

(ii) £500 for the 2nd prize winner in the 18 and over Category;

(iii) £450 for the 1st prize winner in the Under 18 Category plus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV Camera and a 1 hour zoom call with one of OM Systems Technical Experts to give some hints on how to get the best out of the camera; and

(iv) £250 for the 2nd prize winner in the Under 18 Category.

These prizes are provided by the RES with winners’ prizes generously donated by OM System.

3.6 The four winning images will be published in the RES’s bulletin Antenna, and its editors may also publish one or more of the runner-up images in addition to those of the prize winners.

3.7 The judges’ decisions in relation to any prize awards and commendations are final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

4 Intellectual Property Rights

4.1 Entrants remain the copyright holder to any images submitted to the Competition.

4.2 By entering the Competition, entrants grant the RES a free non-exclusive licence to use the image(s) submitted in digital or print form in all their publicity, publications, corporate and charitable activities, touring exhibitions and in any promotional material, in print or online, connected to this Competition, Insect Week or the RES. The name of the artist will, wherever possible, be credited if the image is used.

4.3 The entrant is responsible for any claim made by a third party against the submission.

5 Data protection

5.1 In entering the Competition, entrants agree to the RES using personal details to process submissions only.

5.2 By entering, entrants also agree that if selected as a winner of any prize or otherwise commended, the RES may share details with any potential future sponsor for the purpose of publishing the details of all winners (including the winning images), only.

5.3 Further information can be found in the RES Privacy policy.

6 General conditions

6.1 By submitting an entry, entrants are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions. A copy of these terms and conditions is available on our website . Queries should be directed to [email protected].

6.2 The RES will not accept responsibility for entries that are unsuccessful or delayed, regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of equipment failure, technical malfunction, network, server, or computer failure of any kind.

6.3 The RES reserves the right to refuse to award prizes to anyone in breach of these terms and conditions. If a breach has occurred, but is discovered after the award of a prize, the RES in its absolute discretion may require the return of any prize or revoke any commendation.

6.4 These terms and conditions will be governed by English law, and the RES and all entrants submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

7 Ethics code

Entrants to the Royal Entomological Society’s Photography Competition 2023 must ensure that all submitted material related to insect photography has been created ethically and provides a fair representation of the subjects and scenes captured. Entrants are expected to adhere to the following code of ethics:

  • Must be aware of the impact the photographer’s presence can have on the behaviour and natural habitat of insects being photographed.
  • Must not intend to mislead by recreating or staging events involving insects. In certain cases, deliberate reenactments may be acceptable if they serve a clear purpose for the story or issue being documented. The photographer must be transparent about their motivation and process, and any manipulation or interference with the insects must be disclosed in the captions.
  • Must treat insects with dignity and respect, ensuring no physical harm is caused to them during the photographic process.
  • Must ensure that consent has been appropriately handled when photographing insects, considering relevant local and international laws. This includes obtaining permits or permissions when required and respecting regulations related to protected species.
  • Must consider whether measures need to be taken to protect the identity and well-being of vulnerable species or those facing conservation concerns. This may include avoiding disclosing precise locations or sensitive information that could potentially harm the insects or their habitats.
  • Must ensure that independence is upheld and must not accept any form of compensation – such as gifts, money, or favours – from individuals or organisations that may seek to influence the story or the competition outcomes.
  • Must prioritise personal safety and avoid taking unnecessary risks that can result in harm to oneself or the insects being photographed. Adhere to relevant safety guidelines and ethical considerations when working with potentially hazardous species.
  • Must respect the work of other photographers and not plagiarise or infringe upon their copyrights. Ensure that the submitted photographs are original and distinct.
  • Must ensure that the content and editing of photographs present an accurate and comprehensive representation of the insects and their natural behaviour. Consider whether graphic or disturbing images are appropriate for the competition, particularly when they involve vulnerable species.
  • Must avoid reinforcing stereotypes and biases that can result in misrepresentation of insects or their ecological roles. Promote a balanced and scientifically accurate understanding of insect diversity and behaviours.
  • Ensure that captions and any other accompanying textual elements are accurate, informative, and provide relevant context about the photographed insects and their ecological significance.
  • Must be open and transparent about the entire process through which the photographs are made, including the techniques employed and any post-processing done. Entrants should be ready to provide additional information upon request and are accountable to the Royal Entomological Society for their practice and adherence to these ethics guidelines.