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The Natural History Museum houses major internationally-renowned collections of biological specimens used to study the taxonomy and diversity of life on earth.

Public displays based on these collections are used to illustrate and explain the natural world to the Museum’s visitors. Its mission is to maintain and develop the collections, and use them to promote the discovery, understanding, responsible use and enjoyment of nature.

Natural History Museum

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Learning resources

  • How to make a pitfall trap with the NHM

    Follow our instructions on how to set up a simple pitfall trap…

  • NHM Bumblebee Guide

    A pocket guide to six common species of UK bumblebee…

  • NHM Fly Finder

    Join the NHM fly-spotting team this summer and improve our understanding of how some of these species, important as pollinators, are faring in the UK.

  • Videos about flies by the Natural History Museum

    Weird and wonderful flies and the forgotten pollinators…