“Insects in their natural habitat, spiderweb dew, petals on a flower — there’s a wonder-filled world in your backyard, your garden and the woods and fields near your home. Capture that world with macro photography.”

Do you like taking pictures of insects?

OM SYSTEM & Olympus cameras and lenses have lots of tips and tricks to get better at photographing the little things that run the world.

Have a look at some of their pages on insect photography:

It’s the Little Things That Matter: Macro Photography

This page boasts some simple but game-changing advice on what to do to get that great photo:

  • Slow Down
  • Be Observant
  • Be Patient
  • Go Low
  • Take Advantage of Cooperative Subjects

Do you have a dedicated camera?

You don’t need a lot of gear to be a successful macro photographer – Get some more tips for how to capture that big beautiful world that’s just hiding in plain sight:

The OM System guide to macro photography

Need more detailed recommendations?

I never knew the joy and beauty of an insect until I started photographing them with a macro lens. These tiny creatures are so much more fascinating when you see them through the bigger-than-life lens of macro photography. Every small feature comes to life when the minute details of a bug’s body comes into focus.

Laura Hicks, Photographer

9 Tips for Macro Insect Photography

Already own an Olympus camera?

Upload your best insect and spider photography to their User Gallery, plus get inspired by the photos shared by other OM SYSTEM and Olympus users in the community.


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