‘Incredible Insects’ is a challenge badge – a pack of suggested activities to earn a fabric badge, that is aimed at members of uniformed youth organisations such as Guiding or Scouting, but is outside of the core programme. Incredible Insects has been written in collaboration with Girlguiding Surrey West and so is targeted at Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers – girls aged 4-18. However you don’t have to be a member of Girlguiding to earn it – it is also suitable to be completed at home by families or individuals. The aim is to get more young people to be interested in, celebrate and help insects!
This challenge badge was created by Dr Hayley Jones, Entomologist, also known as ‘Caterpillar’, leader of 2nd Pyrford Brownies (Girlguiding Surrey West).
Find the Challenge pack on the Surrey West GirlGuiding website.
Who is it for?
What is it?
Resource provided by
Royal Entomological Society