Saturday 28th June 2025, 10:30 to Wednesday 4th June 2025, 13:30
Half-day Workshop focusing on the amazing world of insects…
Saturday 28th June 2025, 12:00 to Wednesday 4th June 2025, 16:00
A range of activities and stands for all ages focusing on insects…
Chalk Farm, LONDON
Saturday 24th June 2023, 10:00 to 11:30
Join Steve Bolton from Butterfly Conservation’s ‘Big City Butterflies’ to delve into the wonderful world of moths at a free workshop…
Headington, OXFORD
Saturday 24th June 2023, 10:00 to 16:30
Celebrate Insect Week and feel the love for bugs at this month’s Nature Club!…
Saturday 24th June 2023, 10:00 to 16:30
A meeting at the Wokingham HQ of the British Entomological & Natural History Society arranged for the AES Bug Club…