In 2019 a series of events is taking place worldwide to celebrate the true flies (Diptera).

Flies are one of the most ecologically diverse groups of animals; they are important in many ecosystem processes such as pollination, decomposition, predation as well as vectors of disease. Increasingly, flies are also being farmed as a new protein source to feed both humans and livestock.
You can take part in field walks, collection visits, natural history talks and identification workshops at museums, natural history societies, schools and universities throughout 2019. There will be find fly-related displays at events such as the Royal Entomological Society’s Insect Festival in York on Sunday 7th July.
One of highlights of the year will be recording Bee-flies in early spring, find about the Bee-fly Bombylius major and the Dotted Bee-fly Bombylius discolor on the Biological Record Centre’s Bee-fly Watch page.
Follow #YearOfTheFly on social media and find out which species is Fly of the Month.
Have a look at the Dipterists Forum website to see what is happening through the year, find out more about flies, and join the community of people that study and love them.

If you are interested in running an event please contact Erica McAlister.