First place

German wasps drinking
Alan Clark (UK)
German wasps, Vespula germanica, drinking.
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
Second place

Aphid family
Petar Sabol (Croatia)
- True bugs
Specially Commended

A mother’s love
Phooi Leng Ho (Malaysia)
Female Shield Bug with young.
- True bugs

Ready for the party – I am as wild as my hairs
Phooi Leng Ho (Malaysia)
- Butterflies and moths
 40-44 C-1400x934.jpg)
Gnat ogre robber fly
Andrew Murray (USA)
Holcocephala is a genus of robber flies in the family Asilidae. There are at least 40 described species in Holcocephala.
- True flies
Conehead mantis
João Petronilho (Portugal)
Empusa pennata
- Mantises

Southern festoon
Petar Sabol (Croatia)
Two Southern festoon butterflies, Zerynthia polyxena.
- Butterflies and moths

Rose aphid on a rose blossom
Tim Crabb (UK)
Macrosiphum rosae
- True bugs
Highly Commended

Bridging weaver ants
Karunakaran Parameswaran Pillai (India)
Weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina, making a bridge across the gap found on their passage.
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Walking through time
Elizabeth Cooksey (UK)
Ladybird on a seed head.
- Beetles

Kit Chang (Macao S.A.R.)
A female ant laying its eggs – ovipositing.
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

European paper wasp
Pascal Grüner (Germany)
Polistes dominula
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Wasp on mushroom
Beverley Brouwer (Netherlands)
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Here comes the sun
Simon Carder (UK)
Common darter, Sympetrum striolatum.
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Butterfly meadow
Simon Carder (UK)
Common blue butterfly, Polyommatus icarus
- Butterflies and moths

Mother taking care of her fungus garden
Ching-Shan Lin (Taiwan)
Southeast Asian Ambrosia Beetle, Xylosandrus brevis.
- Beetles

Ghost waits in the dark for prey
Louis Nicholls (UK)
Ghost mantis, Phyllocrania paradoxa.
- Mantises

Just jaw dropping
Liesbeth Ploeg (Netherlands)
Stag Beetle.
- Beetles