First prize

Broad-bodied chaser
Petar Sabol
Libellula depressa.
- Dragonflies and damselflies
Second prize

The Climb
Ben Andrew
Stag Beetle, Lucanus cervus.
- Beetles
Specially commended

Looking at you looking at me
Keith Trueman
Common Blue Damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum.
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Zoltan Gyori
Fritillary butterfly, Melitaea sp.
- Butterflies and moths

Hangin’ Tough – Broom Weevil
Timothy Sexton
Exapion fuscirostre.
- Beetles
Damsels on parade
Paul Dibben
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Martin Tampier
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

The long and winding road
Sharon Repton
Fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster.
- True flies

The last fight. Tiger beetle and weaver ant.
Ripan Biswas
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
- Beetles

Life in green
João Petronilho
Stick insect.
- Stick-insects

Troops on the move
Milton Barbosa
Grasshopper nymphs.
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Antonio Carlos Freitas
Fly eating a small beetle.
- Beetles
- True flies

Henry Lin
- Mantises

Flag-footed Bug
Sergio Vilchez
Photographed in Costa Rica.
- True bugs

An aggregation of two Ammophila wasps at dawn
Sean McCann
The wasps were photographed on dry grass at McDonald Beach, Richmond BC.
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Common green shieldbug eggs hatching
Anthony Cooper
Ten Palomena prasina shieldbugs are emerging, 17 have emerged leaving egg cases and beaks, and one has failed and is still green.
- True bugs

Autumnal Feathered Thorn moth
David Fotheringham
Colotois pennaria.
- Butterflies and moths

Covered in dew drops (sawfly)
Beverley Brouwer
Family Tenthredinidae.
- True flies

Marsh Fritillaries
Mark Pike
Euphydryas aurinia.
- Butterflies and moths

Robber Fly
TienHeng Low
Family Asilidae.
- True flies

Solitary Bee – Megachile willughbiella
Keith Trueman
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Red Tipped Flower Beetles
Geraldine Stephenson
Malachius bipustulatus.
- Beetles

Resting Stalk-eyed Fly
Weixang Lee
Family Diopsidae.
- True flies

Metamorphosis – a dragonfly emerging
Ripan Biswas
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Beauty and Beast
Peter Smith
Sinuated Spoonwing, Nemoptera sinuata, and Rhinocoris iracundus.
- Lacewings, antlions and mantidflies
- True bugs

Floating on colour, a male gall midge
Steve Palmer
Sub-family Cecidomyiinae.
- True flies