First prize

Damselflies mating
Mr Peter Sabol
First Prize 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Dragonflies and damselflies
Second Prize

Sawflies eating a birch leaf
Dr Anthony Cooper
Second Prize 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
Specially Commended

Manganese drill bit
Adam Poledníček
A female ichneumon wasp drills into wood with her ovipositor.
Specially Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Common green darners, Anax junius, mating on the pond near the Cleveland Botanical Gardens restaurant.
Liz Pearson, USA
Specially Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Weaver ant (possibly Oecophylla smaragdina) photographed in forest habitat near Pavagadh, over 30km from Vadodara,
Narayan Patel, Gujarat, India
Specially Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Fire and brimstone! Brimstone butterfly on flower of runner bean
Keith Pursall
Specially Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive
- Butterflies and moths

Alone in the dark
Jose Ramos, II
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Cockroaches and termites

Beni Arisandi (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- True flies

A Katydid Completes Its Moult
Claire Waring, (Northamptonshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Parental Care
Dr Tom Houslay, (Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Beetles

Resting Time
João Petronilho (Portugal)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Butterflies and moths

A nomad bee (Nomada sp.) at rest on a leaf. This is a focus stack of 20 pictures taken with the camera on a tripod with a focus rail, plus flash and a white reflector.
Adam Poledníček (Cornwall, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insect Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Adam Poledníček (Cornwall, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Male blue tiger butterfly with tiger moth caterpillar on Crotalaria pods
Rabin Chakrabarti (India)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Butterflies and moths

Coupled blue-tailed damselflies
Dr Ann Mills (Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Five-spot burnet (Zygaena trifolii) feeding on buttercup
Brian Pearson (Staffordshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Butterflies and moths

Red mason bee feeding on wallflower in the photographer’s garden in late May 2014. This was the first time that Brian Pearson had introduced red mason bees to his garden with the purchase of about a dozen pupae, which had all emerged successfully.
Brian Pearson (Saffordshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Red ants fiercely attacking an intruder near a flower bed in a park in Hong Kong on a sunny day. Icy Ho was taking insect photos with her 90mm macro lens when she noticed this circle of red ants surrounding a black insect that had invaded their territory.
Icy Ho (Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

New Coat
Beverley Brouwer (The Netherlands)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Family planning
Beverley Brouwer (The Netherlands)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Beetles

Marbled whites mating
Bob Eade, (East Sussex, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Butterflies and moths

Orthetrum cancellatum dragonflies mating
Peter Sabol, (Croatia)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Honeymoon on flower
Dipesh Bhatt (Gujarat, India)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Beetles

Reed beetle preening
Paul Giles (Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Beetles

Cuckoo wasp laying an egg
Kerry-Ann van Eeden (Perth, Australia)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Small white feeding
Richard Davies, (Suffolk, United Kingdom)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Butterflies and moths

Small paper wasp-RAPALIDIA REVOLUTIOALIS-building its nest in a leaf vein
Parameswaran Pillai Karunakaran (Kerala, India)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Two robber flies mating – one with a kill – at the edge of the jungle at Punjen Hide-Away in northern Thailand.
Mr Nick Milsum (New Zealand)
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Insects Alive category
- True flies

Close up of damselfly eyes in Genemuiden, Netherlands
Marc Brouwer
Commended 2014 NIW Photography Competition Small is Beautiful category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Four-spotted chaser dragonfly, Libellula quadrimaculata, perching.
Tim Daish
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Dragonflies and damselflies