First prize, adult category

Hairy-footed flower bee, Anthophora plumipes, looking through the keyhole
Anthony Cooper
First PrizeĀ 2012 Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
First prize, under 18s

Ladybird on flower
Katherine Rowlinson
First prize 2012 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Beetles
Second prize, adult category

Floating adult mayflies
Chris Avery
Second prize winner 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Second prize, riverfly category

Caddisfly egg mass on leaf overhanging water
Danny Beath
2nd Prize 2012 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Caddisflies or sedge flies
Second Prize, under 18 category

Scorpion Fly, Panorpa communis
Alicia Hayden
2nd Prize 2012 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Scorpionflies
Specially Commended

Male common blue damselfly, Enallagma cyathigerum, Specially Commended 2012 NIW Insect Photography Competition adult category
Darron Matthews
Male Common Blue Damselfly, Enallagma Cyathigerum
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Ichneumonid wasp on bark
Jenny Sandiford
Specially Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria, Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
Steve Everitt
Yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria
- True flies

Female southern hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, ovipositing on rotten log, reflected in water, Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
Gary Cox
Female southern hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, ovipositing on rotten log, reflected in water
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Three sawfly larvae, Pristiphora testacea, eating a birch leaf, Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
Anthony Cooper
Three sawfly larvae, Pristiphora testacea, eating a birch leaf
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Red Admiral butterfly, Vanessa atalanta, on Mahonia
Jenny Bailey
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Darren Pullman
Shieldbug, Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- True bugs

Seven spot ladybird, Coccinella 7-punctata, and aphid
Rachel Travis
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

Painted Lady butterfly, Vanessa cardui, on honeysuckle
Peter Preece
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Red Underwing moth, Catocala nupta
John Proudfoot
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Bob Eade
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Mating stag beetles, Lucanus cervus
Barbie Lindsay
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

Roesel’s Bush-cricket, Metrioptera roeselii, at dusk
Max Richard Brown
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria, Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
Steve Everitt
Yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria
- True flies

Roosting heath fritillary butterflies, Melitaea athalia, on rush stem
Bob Eade
Commended 2012 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths