First prize, adult category

Emerging Crane Fly
Danny Beath
Emerging Crane Fly, First Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- True flies
First prize, under 18 category

Southern Hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea
Sam Baylis
First Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Dragonflies and damselflies
Second Prize, adult category

Ant, Formica sp.
Pawel Bieniewski
Second Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
Second Prize, under 18 category

Broad-bodied chaser, Libellula depressa
Ruth Carter
Second Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
First prize, riverfly category

Mayfly at sunset
Danny Beath
First Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Second Prize, riverfly category

Adult mayfly on water
Lance Ostler
Second Prize 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Specially Commended

Ant Formica sp. & wasp Vespula sp
Pawel Bieniewski
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Hoverfly on flower
Sam Baylis
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category

Blister beetle (Meloidae)
Wanyoike Wamiti
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

6-spot burnet moth, Zygaena filipendulae, and common drone fly, Eristalis tenax, on brown knapweed
Jessica Caterson
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Butterflies and moths

European Rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes nasicornis
Pawel Bieniewski
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

Female mayfly Ephemera vulgata
Adrian Bicker
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Male solitary bees, Melitta haemorrhoidalis, shelter in a Campanula flower overnight
Adrian Bicker
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
These solitary bees turn out to be rather sociable. The males group together in Campanula flowers for shelter through the night and tend to ‘sleep in’ untul the temperature increases during the following morning.
These are the rather unfortunately named Melitta Haemorrhoidalis, an oligolectic species where the female uses only the pollen from Campanula flowers to provision the chambers in her underground nest.
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Mayfly meal
Rory Morrisey
Common blue damselfly with lunch, Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Weevil on a leaf
Sandra Solly
Weevil on a leaf, Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

Common blue butterfly
Hayley Wiswell
Polyommatus icarus, on lavender, Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Butterfly feeding
Anne Parry
Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Mayfly nymph shuck
Chris Avery
Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Pair of dung-flies, Scathophaga sp., on blackberry
Sandra Solly
Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- True flies

Mayfly on grass head, Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
John Slader
Mayfly on grass head
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Beetle on wet pavement, Mallorca. Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category
Ruth Siller
Beetle on wet pavement, Mallorca. Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition adult category. © Ruth Siller
- Beetles

Female mayfly Ephemera vulgata
Adrian Bicker
Specially Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Stonefly, River Annan, Dumfries & Galloway, UK, Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
Tim Jacklin
Commended 2010 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Stoneflies