First prize, adult category

Praying mantis in a sunflower field
Tessa Kohn-Speyer
- Mantises
Second prize, adult category

Grasshopper Camouflaged on Dead Leaves in Croatia
Ruth Siller
Second Prize 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets
First Prize, riverfly category and commended, adult category

Mayfly on iris bud
Colin Ebd
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Second Prize, riverfly category

Kenny Crooks
Aphantopus hyperantus.
- Butterflies and moths
Joint third prize, riverfly category

Soft Body of a Caddis Fly Larva
Jean Paterson
Joint Third Prize 2008 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Caddisflies or sedge flies

Soft Body of a Caddis Fly Larva
Jean Paterson
Joint Third Prize 2008 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Caddisflies or sedge flies
Runner up, river fly category

Adult caddisfly, Philopotamus montanus
Stuart Crofts
- Caddisflies or sedge flies
Specially commended, riverfly category

Common Mayfly on River Stour
Stan Maddams
Common Mayfly on River Stour
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Common mayfly by River Stour
Stan Maddams
Specially Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition riverfly category
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Specially commended, adult category

Kenny Cro
Specially Commended in riverfly category and Commended in adult category 2008 NIW Photography Competition
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Specially commended, under 18 category

Honey Bees, Apis mellifera, Collecting Nectar
Sophie Shapter
Specially Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
Commended, riverfly category

Translucent in the sunshine
Jean Paterson
A mayfly on a fence post
- Mayflies or upwing flies
Commended, adult category

On the road again! Great green bush cricket
Peter Tilley
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Juvenile vegetable bug on passion fruit in Croatia
Ruth Siller
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Bombus on buddleia
Ian Beddison
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

On guard! Worker honey bees, Apis mellifera, protect their nest.
Claire Waring
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Peacock butterfly, Aglais io.
Kenny Crooks
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Large red damselfly, Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Tim Fanshawe
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Fritillary butterfly, Melitaea sp., feeding on knapweed
Danny Beath
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Soldier beetle on sentry duty
Greg Hitchcock
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Small skipper butterfly, Thymelicus sylvestris, nectaring
Ian Phillips
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Southern hawker dragonfly, Aeshna cyanea, emerging from nymph
Gary Cox
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Male Four-Spotted Chaser Dragonfly, Libellula quadrimaculata
John Young
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

Marbled white butterfly, Melanargia galathea
John Young
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Mayfly on iris bud
Colin Ebd
- Mayflies or upwing flies

Great green bush cricket, Tettigonia viridissima
Peter Tilley
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Four-spotted chaser dragonfly, Libellula quadrimaculata, perching.
Tim Daish
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Dragonflies and damselflies

En garde” bee-fly, Bombylius major
Peter White
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Solitary Bee
Greg Hitchcock
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Fly (Muscidae) resting on leaf
Sarah-Fiona Helme
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Bumblebee in Flight
Paul Beardwood
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies

Hoverfly Settling on Wild Orchid
Richard Siller
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly, Strymon melinus
Mary Baker
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Butterflies and moths

Gendarme Firebug, Pyrrhocoris apterus
Jenny McGowan
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category

Shy Black Beetle Departs as a Pair of Soldier Beetles, Rhagonycha fulva, Mate.
Peter Tilley
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Beetles

Ruby-tailed wasp, Chrysis ignita
Peter White
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition adult category
- Ants, bees, wasps and sawflies
Commended, under 18 category

Grasshopper resting in the undergrowth
James McGovern
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets

Dragonfly ready for take-off
Emma Houston
Commended 2008 NIW Photography Competition under 18 category
- Dragonflies and damselflies