First Prize
Colin G Cook
Elegant Grasshopper Nymph
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets
Second Prize
Stuart MacLaren
Namibian Corn Cricket, Acanthoplus discoidalis.
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets
Highly commended
Richard Garvey-Williams
Cicada – newly emerged adult with shed exoskeleton
- True bugs
Mary Britton
Banded Baby
- Butterflies and moths
Jacqueline Ryan
Robber fly
- True flies
Ahmet Hukic
- Dragonflies and damselflies
Jaqueline Ryan
- Lacewings, antlions and mantidflies
Ben Browne
Spanish Flyer, Hummingbird hawk-moth, Macroglossum stellatarum, feeding.
- Butterflies and moths
Richard S Saul
Grasshopper at Frasers Hill
- Grasshoppers, crickets and bush-crickets