Association of Animal Behaviour learning resources
Free resources about animal behaviour…
Science and Plants for Schools
Free teaching resources for science and plant biology,…
British Moths Colouring Sheet
Colour in the Eyed Hawk-moth and the Garden Tiger Moth with the Royal Entomological Society.
British Butterflies Colouring Sheet
Colour in the Peacock and the Red Admiral butterflies with the Royal Entomological Society.
Insects, Entomology & Entomologists
Insects and entomologists - what are they and why are they important?…
A friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share nature.
Flower Power
Discover how to attract a diverse range of insects using flower power.
Insects everywhere
Find out how you can find insects just about anywhere.
What makes an insect?
So, what makes an insect? With these activities, you can help identify…
Up close and personal with invertebrates
This time of year is perfect for getting children out doing minibeast hunt, creepy-crawly hunts, bug walks, insect safaris and invertebrate surveys. Call them whatever you like, basically, they all involve getting up close and personal with invertebrates.