British Dragonfly Society
Activities, posters, creative ideas and identification guides for Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 about dragonflies & damselflies. Find the resources on the British Dragonfly Society website.
RES Student Essays
Read popular science writing all about insects…
STEM Learning resources
Activities for primary and secondary aged pupils which can be used to support Insect Week 2022.
Bugs Matter survey
We need lots of people to take part in Bugs Matter this summer.
NHM Fly Finder
Join the NHM fly-spotting team this summer and improve our understanding of how some of these species, important as pollinators, are faring in the UK.
Incredible Insects challenge badge
A challenge badge for 4-18 year old budding entomologists and engaging for those who aren’t usually insect admirers!’…
RES British Insects poster
A poster covering all the groups or taxonomic orders of insects in the Britain.
Young Verrall Lecture 2022
Watch Professor Camille Parmesan giving Young Verrall Lecture 2022…
Parental Behaviour in Burying Beetles
This resource pack focuses on parental behaviour in burying beetles.
Three Mosquiteers leaflet
Introduces the ecology of mosquitoes with a focus on invasive alien mosquitoes.