Saturday 7th October 2023, 09:00 to Monday 9th October 2023, 17:00
Come and see the RES at New Scientist Live…
Saturday 30th September 2023, 11:00 to 16:00
Come and see the RES at the AES’s entomological fair…
A brilliant short documentary on the Large Red Damselfly by Jamie (Eagle Eyed Girl), age 7 at the time of recording. Fantastic learning resource for those who want to know more about damselflies.
“Insects in their natural habitat, spiderweb dew, petals on a flower — there’s a wonder-filled world in your backyard, your garden and the woods and fields near your home. Capture that world with macro photography.” Do you like taking pictures of insects? OM SYSTEM…
Moray, Moray
Wednesday 21st June 2023, 13:00 to 16:30
MORAY WALKING & OUTDOOR FESTIVAL Find out more about bumblebees & surveying, from identifying and recording bumblebees in your garden to becoming a ‘BeeWalker’ – counting bumblebees on a fixed monthly walking route. Bumblebees need our help! In the UK, two species of bumblebee have gone extinct in…
The NAPPC Pollinator Communications Task Force has created a new toolkit to help you participate and record observations during a Bioblitz on iNaturalist. Join the project Download the toolkit at: Bioblitz Toolkit 2023…
Dorsington, Dorsington
Saturday 1st July 2023, 08:15 to 10:45
Morning Moth Survey in the Heart of England Forest - BioBlitz 2023…
Dorsington, Dorsington
Saturday 1st July 2023, 10:30 to 13:00
Morning Pond Survey in the Heart of England Forest - BioBlitz 2023…
Dorsington, Dorsington
Saturday 1st July 2023, 11:00 to 13:00
Invertebrate Hunt in Heart of England Forest - BioBlitz 2023…
Dorsington, Dorsington
Saturday 1st July 2023, 13:15 to 15:15
Afternoon Butterfly Walk in the Heart of England Forest - BioBlitz 2023…