• LEAF What’s happening to our bees?

    Handling controversial issues - What’s happening to our bees?…

  • Yorkshire Museums Trust Minibeast online resource

    This resource, suitable for Key Stages 1 to 3, aims to develop knowledge and understanding of invertebrates.

  • droso4schools

    Online resources for school lessons using the fruit fly Drosophila.

  • INSTAR – Magazine for Young Entomologists

    Magazine for Young Entomologists from the Royal Entomological Society.

  • Insects, Entomology & Entomologists

    Insects and entomologists - what are they and why are they important?…

  • iSpot

    A friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share nature.

  • Flower Power

    Discover how to attract a diverse range of insects using flower power.

  • Insects everywhere

    Find out how you can find insects just about anywhere.

  • What makes an insect?

    So, what makes an insect? With these activities, you can help identify…

  • Up close and personal with invertebrates

    This time of year is perfect for getting children out doing minibeast hunt, creepy-crawly hunts, bug walks, insect safaris and invertebrate surveys. Call them whatever you like, basically, they all involve getting up close and personal with invertebrates.