Association of Animal Behaviour learning resources
Free resources about animal behaviour…
Science and Plants for Schools
Free teaching resources for science and plant biology,…
British Moths Colouring Sheet
Colour in the Eyed Hawk-moth and the Garden Tiger Moth with the Royal Entomological Society.
British Butterflies Colouring Sheet
Colour in the Peacock and the Red Admiral butterflies with the Royal Entomological Society.
Learning through Landscapes Invertebrate Investigations
Ask questions about local invertebrates and plan investigations to find the answers.
OPAL identification guides
Free identification resources from OPAL.
LEAF What’s happening to our bees?
Handling controversial issues - What’s happening to our bees?…
Yorkshire Museums Trust Minibeast online resource
This resource, suitable for Key Stages 1 to 3, aims to develop knowledge and understanding of invertebrates.
Online resources for school lessons using the fruit fly Drosophila.
INSTAR – Magazine for Young Entomologists
Magazine for Young Entomologists from the Royal Entomological Society.