Insect colouring sheets from Jennifer Delaney
Colouring sheets by illustrator Jennifer Delaney…
3 Minute Bioblitz with The Bug Farm
What insects can Sarah find in 3 minutes?…
Intriguing Insects Miniguide
Some highlights of our identification requests.
Garden Pollinators miniguide
Here are some pollinating insects you may find in your garden…
Garden Beetles miniguide
Here are some beetles you may find in your garden…
Ento-Club Comic Book
Meet Natasha, the travelling entomologist! She loves insects, and would like to share her wisdom with you!…
BAS Spider Factsheets
Information about some of Britain's commonest spiders…
Insect A&E with BC, BCT & Dr Amir Khan
Become a nature doctor…
How to make a pitfall trap with the NHM
Follow our instructions on how to set up a simple pitfall trap…
NHM Bumblebee Guide
A pocket guide to six common species of UK bumblebee…